as i look back on all that's happened..growing up, growing 2gether, changing u, changing me, there were times when we dreamed 2gether, when we laughed & cried together. as i look back on those days, i realize how much i truly miss u and how much i truly love u. the past may be gone forever. whatever the future holds, our todays make the memories of tomorrow. hopefully you'll always carry my love with you, for all we have meant to each other and for whatever the future may hold...♥
Sunday, January 30, 2011
~ wHat wE hAve dOne ~
dicOreT olEh ~miEra~ 0 comments
Saturday, January 29, 2011
~fAiluRe is a dElay suCceSs~
ade ke org yg x pnh gagal?? xde kn... same with me.. hukhuk... 1st time aku gagal... this sem aku rpeat 1 paper... MARKETING!! owhhh... i hate this sbjek damn much!! aku heran btl la, nape bdk finance kne amik marketing?? ouchh...sbar je la kan... sem ni kne stdy btl2. caiyok2!!! yg plg best, last sem marketing ade 19 chpter, but this sem juz 9 chpter. sgt2 shuke... hehe...
akhirnye ade jgk pnglaman jd repeater ek... haha... ok la kn..ade jgk pngalaman. bru skali rpeat. coming soon xtau la bpe kali lg nk rpaet neyh. hopefully, sem2 akan dtg sume lulus. xmo rpeat dh.
ape yg aku kne bt utk sem ni:::
1) blaja rajin2...
2) xmo men2 dh...
3) kne focus dlm kls...
4) xleh tdo lewat...
5) kurangkan on9...
6) kurangkan dating... (blh ker neyh...?)
7) kurangkan blk umh...
8) kurangkan berangan...
9) kurangkan tido...
10) kne slalu stdy...
11) jgn bt asgment last minute...
dh la 2... byk sgt nnti x tertunai plak...
dicOreT olEh ~miEra~ 3 comments